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Crispy-Skin Sous Vide Duck Breast (Gluten-free, No Soy/Dairy/Grains)

Writer's picture: HoldMyGFBeerHoldMyGFBeer

Duck is one of my all-time favorite proteins... especially sous vide! First, you taste that crispy, salty skin. Then, the sweet, buttery meat just melts on your tongue. Meat heaven!

When you bake duck breast, you run the risk of over-cooking it and ending up with dry meat and tough skin. No bueno! Cooking duck breasts sous vide ensures that amazing medium rare meat that I love. Finishing it off in a hot skillet gives you that perfect, salty crust that keeps you reaching for just one more piece.

Crispy-Skin Sous Vide Duck Breast (No Gluten/Soy/Dairy/Grains)

Start by scoring your skin. This is going to allow you to get the seasoning to melt under the skin into the meat and, most importantly, when we sear the breast, the skin will not be able to shrivel up. After scoring, season both sides of the duck breast liberally with salt and pepper and seal it in a Ziplock bag. Use the water displacement method to submerge the bag in the sous vide bath and cook at 130 F for 2 hours.

Crispy-Skin Sous Vide Duck Breast (Gluten-free, No Soy/Dairy/Grains)
Start by scoring your skin. This is going to allow you to get the seasoning to melt under the skin into the meat and, most importantly, when we sear the breast, the skin will not be able to shrivel up.

Crispy-Skin Sous Vide Duck Breast (Gluten-free, No Soy/Dairy/Grains)
Begin searing the duck breasts in a dry, cold skillet. Place the breasts is in the cold, dry pan and turn the heat to high.

Crispy-Skin Sous Vide Duck Breast (Gluten-free, No Soy/Dairy/Grains)
At about the 2 minute mark you are going to start to see the fat rendering.

Use your tongs to start moving the duck breasts around in the pan for another minute. Now, reduce the heat to medium and continue searing on the skin side for another 3-4 minutes continually moving the breasts around to make sure all of the skin is in contact with the skillet.

Crispy-Skin Sous Vide Duck Breast (Gluten-free, No Soy/Dairy/Grains)

After 6-7 minutes total, flip the duck breasts and cook the other side for about 30 seconds MAX!

Remove the duck breasts from the skillet, slice thinly against the grain and enjoy hot, warm, room temp or chilled. duck breast tastes great as leftovers... if you have any left over!

Crispy-Skin Sous Vide Duck Breast (Gluten-free, No Soy/Dairy/Grains)

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Keywords: gluten-free duck, gluten-free poultry, seared duck breast, duck with spinach

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I am neither a doctor nor a nutritionist.  My posts are merely my trials, errors, and findings as I deal with the ever-changing effects of living with a weak immune-system and should only be viewed as such.  Always consult your physician regarding the steps you take along your own health journey.

©2019 by HoldMyGlutenFreeBeer.

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